CDP3-60-V-B-E-A ipari kijelző 3db 60mm vörös digit, Ethernet, beltéri, alukeret
Intelligens ipari programozható kijelzők: hőmérséklet-, páratartalom-, ciklusidő-, szünetjelzésre, stopper, visszaszámláló funkcióra, darabszámlálásra egyedi kialakításban is.
Brief description
The design of the display corresponds to modern times requirements. The color and design of the tool has been designed, so can easily fit into any possible environment.
The device built from 3 pieces of 60 mm high, strong light 7-segment LED display. The numbers are flashable and tone is also assignable.
Controlable through ethernet network, connectable to PC.
The communication protokol and the intelligent interface allow to use 256pcs of display on one line. Every display has own device address.